Propik fingerpicks are our favorite fingerpicks for playing 3-finger style of banjo. The double wrap makes for a very comfortable fit and the tone is terrific.
The Propik Fingerpick - Double Wrap offers superior acoustic tone with a comfortable fit. Handcrafted in the U.S.A., it features a precision grip that ensures excellent control and stability. Designed with banjoists in mind, it's the perfect pick for a great bluegrass tone.
The angled Propik fingerpicks allow you to strike the string more straight on, thus resulting in less pick noise.
The #1 blade pick is a thinner pick and produces a brighter tone. The #2 is a little bit more wide.
Great product. Solid shipping..
For the most part these picks hold on better but I use gorilla snot to be safe.
Propick fingerpick angled
I love these picks and have three sets. The angled ones help me strike the string flush. They are also the most comfortable .I also have the new Propik thumb pick. It’s very cheaply made and thrown together. I also have 2 Bluechip thumb picks. There is no comparison between the workmanship and quality of materials. The tone of the Bluechip is far above the Propick.
I like them so far. I already have the same angled pro picks in brass and wanted to see how the nickel steel ones sounded.
Sir far I like them but don’t know yet which variety I like most.
Love these picks. I am able to get perfect fit without pinching or digging into my fingers. Plus I especially like the angled ones. Why didn't anyone think of that before???